Altium Error Messages

here is a description of the DRC error messages:Angle:Tracks are not laid in an angle of 0, 45, 90 or 135°. This check can be switched on or off in the Design Rules (Misc tab). Default: off.Blind Via Ratio:The limit of the ratio of via length (depth) to drill diameter... [Read More]
Tags: PCB

7 Segment increment by switch PIC18f4550

#include #fuses HS, NOWDT, NOPROTECT, BROWNOUT, PUT, NOLVP //#fuses HS, NOWDT#use delay(clock=20MHz)static int8 const led_table[20] =   //      ----           seg A//     |    |   seg F         seg B//     |    |//      ----           seg G//     |    |   seg E         seg C//     |    |//      ----           seg D//// bit7 .. bit0  ==>>   seg  None,G,A,F,D,E,C,B// TI Driver... [Read More]
Tags: PIC

Seven-segment display PIC18f4550

#include #fuses HS, NOWDT, NOPROTECT, BROWNOUT, PUT, NOLVP //#fuses HS, NOWDT#use delay(clock=20MHz)static int8 const led_table[20] =   //      ----           seg A//     |    |   seg F         seg B//     |    |//      ----           seg G//     |    |   seg E         seg C//     |    |//      ----           seg D//// bit7 .. bit0  ==>>   seg  None,G,A,F,D,E,C,B// TI Driver... [Read More]
Tags: PIC

serial communication using PIC18f4550

//CCS C compiler #include #fuses HS,NOWDT#use delay(clock=20MHz)#use rs232(baud=9600,parity=N,xmit=PIN_B1,rcv=PIN_B2,bits=8,STOP=1)void main(){while(TRUE){printf("mahyar");}}  [Read More]
Tags: PIC